How to save on your energy bills 

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Team MONEYME|29 June 2023| 3-minute read

As if rising living costs weren’t doing enough damage to your energy bills. Now, winter’s here. That means more heating. Which usually means even bigger bills.  

Thankfully, there are some ways to cut energy use. Here are some hot tips to help you stay cosy during the colder months without burning through your energy budget.  

Shop around 🛒 

Is your energy provider giving you the best deal possible? Probably not – if you haven’t challenged it.  

Jump on a comparison site like Compare the Market to see how your energy plan compares with that of competitors.  

As soon as you spot a better bargain, call your provider. Then negotiate and ask them to beat it.  

Jump on energy rebates 👍🏻 

Wherever you live, the state government’s probably offering an energy rebate.  

Rebates range from NSW’s Energy Savings Scheme, which rewards you for swapping to renewables, to the NT’s Electricity Concessions, which gives some people as much as $1,200 per year towards electricity bills.   

Check your state government’s website to find out what’s on offer in your area. 

Invest in energy-smart gadgets 💡 

Buying a new appliance might sound expensive. But, a short term investment could mean long term savings.  

After all, in an average household, gadgets use around 25% of energy

Choose appliances that are the right size for your needs (i.e. not too big) and run on energy-efficient (i.e. cheaper) technology. 

Cut consumption 🔌 

You don’t want to freeze this winter to save on bills. But, you can cut your energy consumption without going that far.  

Trying putting these hacks to work:  

  • Set your heater to the most efficient range (18-20 degrees).  
  • Keep reverse cycle air-conditioning running. Turning it off means it has to work hard to get back to where it was.
  • Restrict heating to the rooms you use most. Dashing to a cold bathroom could be uncomfy, but try to focus on the money you’re saving. 
  • Rug up! Pretend you’re taking a budget flight and pack on as many clothes as possible. Whenever you’re still, throw on a blanket (or three). 
  • On clear days, help the sunshine pour in, by opening curtains. (It’s good for your mood and your wallet). After dark, draw curtains and close windows to keep the heat in.  
  • Hunt down cracks that let in draughts – and seal them up. Check the obvious (like doors and windows) and the not-so-obvious (like cracks or holes around built-in appliances and gaps in floorboards).  
  • Swap traditional light bulbs for LEDs. 
  • Run your washing machine only when you have a full load. Use cold water and peg your clothing on the line, instead of tossing it in the dryer. 

Smooth out your bill 😎 

Many energy providers offer a payment method called “bill smoothing” which helps turn the seasonal rollercoaster of energy costs into more of a gentle merry-go-round with predictable, bite sized payments.  

It works by estimating what your energy costs will be for the year, and then spreading out the costs throughout the year with equal, regular repayments. 

Not only does bill smoothing take the shock out of winter energy bills, but it also makes it easier to budget. Get in touch with your energy provider if you’d like to request bill smoothing. 

Control what you can 

You can’t stop the season changing, nor living costs continuing to rise.  

But, hopefully, by putting our tips to work, you can have some control over your energy bills–and make cuts where possible this winter.  

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