Found yourself in debt? Here’s what to do about it

Debt Consolidation
Team MONEYME|15 November 2021| 1-minute read

Even financially savvy people can end up in debt. But there are ways to get back in the black sooner than you might have expected.

Life is expensive and is always going to throw little (and not so little) curveballs our way. Unfortunately, those curveballs can often come with financial drawbacks that just can’t be avoided.

Maybe your car needs repairs or your fridge has gone kaput. Maybe your partner lost their job or your hours were reduced. Maybe you have medical bills or a few parking fines to pay for.

There are a million and one things that can suddenly pop up and if we get hit by a few of these in close succession, it’s pretty easy to fall into debt. But that doesn’t mean you’re stuck there.

There are heaps of handy tricks to help you get out of debt sooner, so the burden is off your shoulders and you can focus on rebuilding your finances.

Finder has teamed up with MONEYME to bring you this video:

To read the full and original article, click here.

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Consolidate your debt and save

By consolidating multiple debts like high interest loans and credit cards into one low rate loan, you could get a lower interest rate, reduce monthly repayments and save on overall fees/charges.

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